IELTS king has many materials and specific ones. We do not copy materials but create our own. We do not use ielts boards or simon.

Pass ielts with teacher stephen charles ielts king (steven charles). Internet ielts english teacher. prediction ielts. Teacher Stephen.

Lindsay went to Cambridge University through help from the IELTS teacher with the SOP and CV. She needed the minimum of 7.5 for her master's and got it!

IELTS king has many materials and specific ones. We do not copy materials but create our own. We do not use ielts boards or simon.
Latest Speaking Test for IELTS KING
Passing is easy with my teaching and new book.
A lot of new speaking questions are posted in the Facebook page for IELTSking, too.
1/ Passing is easy with my teaching and new book.
A lot of new speaking questions are posted in the Facebook page for IELTSking, too.

2/ Strange Speaking Questions

3/ Speaking Vocabulary

4/ Special Speaking Idioms & Phrases

5/ Speaking Prediction - Extra Questions

6/ Speaking Videos
Improve your speaking using the IELTSking videos
- go to www.facebook.com/ieltsking to discuss them.
7/ IELTS Speaking marking guide
It is important that you understand how to gain 6 points or higher in the speaking. Below are the descriptors that are important for all students to know.

8/ IELTS SPECIFIC Speaking - secret IELTS speaking help below from Stephen Charles

Part 2